Running data field 7 (Version 1)  V2.9.5
for Garmin ConnectIQ-compatible devices
RunningDF7 1

The Running data field 7 (Version 1), running on all Connect IQ™-compatible Garmin devices with CIQ 2 or higher, is designed as a data field focusing on improving your running performance. It can be added to the different native Garmin applications. The data field shows the current time and battery status in the header/footer as well as 7 freely configurable metrics of your run.

The main idea behind data fields is to use the native Garmin apps which offers features which cannot be accessed through the Garmin API in 3rd-party apps (e.g. map support, workout support, etc.) and extend its functionality with new features.

Due to memory constraints, data fields will only be available on newer Garmin devices!
Link to Running data field 7 (Version 1) on Garmin App Store

This website provides further information regarding requirements, installation, getting started, supported data fields and features as well as frequently asked questions.

You can also download the documentation as compressed HTML help file (.chm) or PDF by using the links below:

Download compressed HTML help file as ZIP
Download PDF