SkiTour App Professional  V4.2.5
for Garmin ConnectIQ-Compatible Devices

Data fields

The following table gives you an overview about all data fields of the SkiTour App Professional application. Please note that some of them require the PREMIUM version.

Data Field Header Data Field Description
ALTCurrent altitude in meters or feet depending on your watch unit settings for distance. Please click here and find further information in note 1.
DISTDistance information in km or mi based on your watch unit settings for distance.
DOWNNegative altitude difference in meters or feet for the whole session depending on your watch unit settings for distance. Please click here and find further information in note 1.
ELAPSElapsed total session time (including IDLE time) in the format hh:mm, h:mm:ss or mm:ss.
HRCurrent heart rate information in bpm.

Current heart rate zone in the range of 0.0 to 6.0 with following meaning:

  • 0.0 ... current heart rate below Zone 1 (minimum heart rate)
  • 1.0 - 1.9 ... current heart rate in Zone 1
  • 2.0 - 2.9 ... current heart rate in Zone 2
  • 3.0 - 3.9 ... current heart rate in Zone 3
  • 4.0 - 4.9 ... current heart rate in Zone 4
  • 5.0 - 5.9 ... current heart rate in Zone 5
  • 6.0 ... current heart rate above Zone 5 (maximum heart rate).

The value is derived from your running heart rate profile settings configured at Garmin. Please click here and find further information in note 3.

IDLEIdle session time where speed was below the following user-defined limit (default is 0.5 km/h or mi/h).
KCALKilo-calories consumption for the whole session.
MAX ALTMaximum altitude in meters or feet depending on your watch unit settings for distance.
MIN ALTMinimum altitude in meters or feet depending on your watch unit settings for distance.
M HR%Current heart rate in percentage of maximum heart taken from the user settings depending on the application you are using. Please refer to HR ZONE for further details. Please click here and find further information in note 3.
PHASEShows current phase "UP" or "RUN".
SPLITSShows number of changes between "UP" or "RUN".
R AHRAverage heart rate in bpm during all runs.
R AVSPDAverage vertical speed of all runs. Please click here and find further information in note 5.
R DISTTotal run distance in km or mi based on your watch unit settings for distance.
R MHRMaximum heart rate in bpm during all runs.
R TIMETotal run time in the format hh:mm, h:mm:ss or mm:ss.
SPEEDCurrent speed information in km/h or mi/h based on your watch unit settings for distance.
TEMPCurrent temperature in celsius or fahrenheit depending on your watch unit settings for temperature. Please click here and find further information in note 4.
TIMECurrent time in 12/24h format based on your watch system settings.
UPPositive altitude difference in meters or feet for the whole session depending on your watch unit settings for distance. Please click here and find further information in note 1.
UP AHRAverage heart rate in bpm during all UP phases.
UP AVSPDAverage vertical speed during all UP phases. Please click here and find further information in note 5.
UP DISTTotal UP distance (e.g. when being in lift) in km or mi based on your watch unit settings for distance.
UP MHRMaximum heart rate in bpm during all UP phases.
UP MVSPDMaximum vertical speed during all UP phases. Please click here and find further information in note 5.
UP TIMETotal UP time (e.g. when being in the lift) in the format hh:mm, h:mm:ss or mm:ss.
VSPD 30sCurrent vertical speed averaged over the last 30 seconds when session is running. A positive value means that you moved up, a negative value means that you moved down. Please click here and find further information in note 5.


Note 1
This information is only precise enough on watches with barometric altimeter as altitude information cannot be derived precisely from GPS. For further details, please click here.

Note 2
Information is only precise if your Garmin device has a barometric altimeter. Especially if relative altitude information is derived from GPS, then it will not be very precise due to the physical limitations of GPS as described here. For further details, please click here.

Note 3
The EPIX watch does not support the Garmin SDK >= 1.2.6. Thus it is not possible for an app to access the heart rate profiles. Therefore the heart rate zones are derived from the maximum heart rate configured by the user.

Note 4
Temperature sensor support in Garmin apps is only possible if either an ANT+ TEMPE sensor is available or the device itself has an internal temperature sensor. The ANT+ TEMPE has higher priority as the internal sensor.

Note 5
The unit for the vertical speed depends on the unit settings on your watch for elevation and the number of digits of the value itself.

If the value has only four or less digits:

  • unit is m/h for metric unit setting
  • unit is feet/h for statute unit setting

If the value has more than four digits:

  • unit is km/h for metric unit setting
  • unit is mi/h for statute unit setting