SkiTour App Professional  V4.2.5
for Garmin ConnectIQ-Compatible Devices


This section describes the most important features of the SkiTour App Professional in more detail. Here a short summary:

Session features

This section describes the session features which are in common for all of our Garmin Connect IQ™ applications. The current session status is indicated by a specific sign. Following table provides an overview about all possible states of a workout session.

Session status Visualization Description
NOT STARTED Blinking red border Workout session (recording) was not started so far. This is the state after starting the app. Press the "START" button to start workout.
UP PHASE Blinking orange border Workout session (recording) is running and UP phase is active (e.g. when going upwards by lift)
RUN PHASE Constant grey header/footer Workout session (recording) is running and RUN phase is active.
IDLE Blinking yellow pause sign Workout session is in Idle phase which means that the speed is below a fixed limit. Activity recording is still enabled.
PAUSED Blinking red stop sign Workout session (recording) was manually paused via menu by selection of "Pause Session". No activity recording is done. It can be resumed at any point in time by entering the menu again and selecting "Resume Session".

Start a Workout Session (NOT STARTED)

After starting the app the session status is "NOT STARTED" as the workout session has to be manually started by the user. This can be done by pressing the "START" button. This state is visualized by showing a blinking red boarder every two seconds as illustrates in following picture:


After pressing the "START" button the first time after app start, the session status changes from "NOT STARTED" to "UP".


When going upwards e.g. via lift the app is in UP phase. This state is visualized by showing a blinking orange boarder every two seconds as illustrates in following picture:



When driving downwards the app is in RUN phase. This state is visualized by a constant grey header/footer as illustrates in following picture:



Whenever the speed goes below a certain limit (currently 1.0 mi/h or km/h) the app automatically enters the "IDLE" phase. This is visualized by showing a yellow pause sign in the middle of the screen and a yellow surrounding on the borders every two seconds. Following picture illustrates that mode:


When the speed goes above the app-specific speed limit, the app enters "RUNNING" mode again.

Manually Paused Session

The user can manually pause the workout session at any time if the status is "UP", "RUN" or "IDLE". This can be done by pressing the "START" button. After that a menu is shown where the user can select among following choices by either pressing the touch screen or by up/down or left/right buttons:

User selection Description
Pause Workout session is paused. This allows the user to navigate through the data pages. The workout session can be resumed again at any time by pressing "START" button and select "Resume".
Resume Start or resume workout session
Save and Exit Save workout data and close the application. After synchronization with your watch or via Garmin Express Software the workout data will be uploaded to the Garmin cloud and will be visible via Garmin Connect.
Discard and Exit Discard session data and close the application. Please note that ALL the recorded workout data is lost!

A paused session is visualized by showing a red stop sign in the middle of the screen and a red surrounding on the borders every two seconds as illustrated in following picture:


ALERT features

Already the FREE Version of SkiTour App Professional provides you basic ALERT features, e.g. to indicate the start and stop of the session recording.

Following figure illustrates how it looks on a Forerunner® 235:


In the PREMIUM Version of the SkiTour App Professional following additional ALERT features are provided:

Distance alert feature

In order to use this feature, please configure the proper "ALERT1 mode" according to following tables:

ALERT1 mode Description
Disabled Feature is disabled.
Single distance alert In this mode a distance ALERT is shown once when the user-defined distance (in km or miles) is reached.
Periodic distance alert In this mode a distance ALERT is shown every time when the user-defined distance (in km or miles) elapsed.

Following figure illustrates how it looks on a Forerunner® 235:


Phase switch alert feature

In order to use this feature, please configure the proper "ALERT2 mode" according to following tables:

ALERT2 mode Description
Disabled Feature is disabled (no user-defined ALERT support).
Enabled Feature is enabled and triggers an alert upon phase change (UP/RUN phase change)

Following figure illustrates how it looks on a Forerunner® 235:


Auto-detection of UP/RUN

The SkiTour App Professional automatically switches between UP and RUN phase if the user-defined altitude delta is exceeded.

The tracking statistics of the SkiTour App Professional can be divided into following three main sections and some common data which is useful for all sections:

  • UP data fields
  • RUN data fields
  • Other data fields

The SkiTour App Professional offers a huge amount of data fields which can be freely assigned to any place in the data pages in the PREMIUM version.

Please note that in the FREE Version not all data fields are available.

COMMON data fields

  • Current altitude (ALT)
  • Current heart rate (HR)
  • Current heart rate Zone (HR ZONE)
  • Current heart rate in percentage of the maximum heart rate (M HR%)
  • Current temperature (TEMP)
  • Current time (TIME)
  • Current speed (SPEED)
  • Current vertical speed (VSPD 30s)
  • Maximum altitude (MAX ALT)
  • Minimum altitude (MIN ALT)
  • Total burned calories (KCAL)
  • Total distance (DIST)
  • Total elapsed time (ELAPS)
  • Total vertical ascent (UP)
  • Total vertical decent (DOWN)

UP data fields

  • Average heart rate (UP AHR)
  • Average vertical speed (UP AVSPD)
  • Maximum heart rate (UP MHR)
  • Maximum vertical speed (UP MVSPD)
  • Total up distance (UP DIST)
  • Total up time (UP TIME)

RUN data fields

  • Average heart rate (R AHR)
  • Average vertical speed (R AVSPD)
  • Maximum heart rate (R MHR)
  • Total run distance (R DIST)
  • Total run time (R TIME)

Other data fields

  • Current UP/RUN phase (PHASE)
  • Number of splits (SPLITS)
  • Total idle time (IDLE)

Screen lock feature

When the session is started, the screen lock feature can be activated by following sequence:

  • Press "START" button.
  • Scroll down until "Lock Screen" appears in the menu.
  • Select "Lock Screen".

When the screen lock feature is active, only the "START" button will be handled anymore, all other buttons or touch screen inputs are ignored.

To disable the screen lock again, please perform following steps:

  • Press "START" button.
  • Scroll down until "Unlock Screen" appears in the menu.
  • Select "Unlock Screen".

Sensor history

In the PREMIUM version the user can enable via app settings that following four charts are shown where the data is derived from the sensor history of the device:

  • Elevation history in meters or feet
  • Heart rate history in bpm
  • Pressure history in hPa
  • Temperature history (only internal temperature sensor) in degrees or fahrenheit
The sensor history is only available on devices with CIQ2 or higher and on devices with sensor history

Below some pictures for better illustration:


Map and track features

This application shows map information on Garmin devices with integrated map features. On all Garmin devices with CIQ 2 and higher it shows the current track as well as a downloaded track from dynamicWatch.

The current track is shown by enabling the map page in the app settings or by downloading a track from dynamicWatch via the watch menu entry "Navigation/Download Track".

When the map page is active following different modes are available which can be selected by pressing the "START" button:

  • Current view
    • Centers on current view and shows current position as blue marker and current track in black color.
    • Optionally the downloaded track from dynamicWatch in red color.
  • Zoom view
    • Centers on current view and shows current position as blue marker and current track in black color.
    • Optionally the downloaded track from dynamicWatch in red color.
    • Allows zoom in and out via up and down buttons or respectively swipes up and down on devices with touch screen.
  • Track view
    • Shows the complete downloaded track from dynamicWatch in red color.
    • Shows current position as blue marker if visible (means inside) in the current track.
  • Browse view
    • Allows different browse modes on devices where Garmin has build-in map features.

Following picture shows some of the offered modes:


Linking the app with dynamicWatch

Visit the dynamicWatch web site and sign up for a new account as illustrated in the figure below:


You can now create a new route for example by uploading a GPX file as shown in following figure:


After uploading the route, click on Back or the X icon to close the edit screen and make sure that this route is marked as your active route (the clock icon is black next to your active route) as shown below:


The SkiTour App Professional uses the Partner App Code system from dynamicWatch to download the routes. Before you can use this system, you need to enable this Partner App Code system. Click on Link your device and then click on Click to enable.


Copy the Partner Access Code to the clipboard


As last step, please add the 7-character partner access code to the app settings of the SkiTour App Professional.

If you later want to revoke access to your account from all partner apps, you can delete the PAC in Link Partner App in Settings.

For further details, please refer to the documentation of dynamicWatch

Workout summary

After saving the workout session a workout summary is shown with following information:

  • Duration in the format m:ss, mm:ss, h:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.
  • Number or splits.
  • Up time in the format m:ss, mm:ss, h:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.
  • Up distance in km or mi.
  • Up vertical speed in m/h or feet/h
  • Up average heart rate in bpm.
  • Up maximum heart rate in bpm.
  • Run time in the format m:ss, mm:ss, h:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.
  • Run distance in km or mi.
  • Elevation gain in meter or feet.
  • Elevation loss in meter or feet.
  • Calories consumption in kcal.